1200 Examinations
1205 (A) Promotion
.110 Legal Basis
.111 Section 52.1 of the Civil Service Law clearly indicates New
York State's commitment to a Career Civil Service. This Section establishes
that the normal way of filling a competitive class position above
the entrance level is by promotion from among individuals holding
lower level competitive direct line positions in the Department in
which the vacancy exists. However, if the Civil Service Department
determines that it is impractical or against the public interest to
limit eligibility for promotion to the direct line candidates, it
may extend examination eligibility to individuals serving in collateral
or related positions. In addition, the Civil Service Department may,
under the authority of 52.1, open competition for a promotion examination
to qualified individuals in other Departments.
* .112 Section 52.11 of the Civil Service Law provides the authority
to allow qualified noncompetitive class and labor class employees
to compete in competitive promotion examinations in those instances
where the promotion examination is being held in conjunction with
an open competitive examination.
.210 Considerations
.211 In recommending whether or not eligibility for promotion examination
should be extended to individuals other than those in the direct line,
consideration should be given to the number of vacancies or anticipated
vacancies expected. If there is an adequate number of direct line
candidates to fill all of the expected vacancies, there may be no
need to extend eligibility to those in collateral or related titles.
.212 If there are inadequate numbers of qualified direct line candidates
or there are other compelling reasons for opening competition, eligibility
for promotion can be extended to those in the collateral or related
.213 In certain instances, consideration should be given to opening
competition to individuals in other Departments in the lower level
direct line title, especially if successful performance at the lower
level is critical for success at the higher level.
* .214 If an open competitive examination is being held in conjunction
with the promotion exam, and there are individuals serving in non-competitive
class or labor class positions who as a class would qualify for the
open competitive examination or who it has been determined posses
other qualifications that should qualify them for admission to the
examination, it may be in the State's best interest to admit such
employees into the promotion examination. Successful individuals are
placed on the promotion list in rank order. Since the promotion list
must be used first this enables non-competitive or labor class employees
to be considered for appointment before the open-competfive candidate.
.220 Limitations/Exceptions
.221 Normally positions in the competitive class above the entrance
level are filled by promotion from persons holding lower grade direct
line competitive class positions in the Department in which the vacancy
exists except:
- upon the written request of the appointing officer stating
the reasons, or by its own initiative, the Civil Service Department
may determine that it is in the State's best interest to hold
only an open competitive examination for filling vacancies instead
of a promotion examination (51.1 CSL)
- when it is determined it is impractical or against the public
interest to limit eligibility for promotion to lower grade direct
line candidates (52.1 CSL)
- * when an open competitive examination is being held in conjunction
with the promotion examination, qualified, non-competitive class
or labor class employees may be allowed to compete in the promotion
examination (52.11 CSL)
.222 In those instances where eligibility for a promotion examination
is being extended to employees of other agencies, preference on the
list certification will normally be given to the employees of the
department in which the vacancy exists.
TM-25; July 1989; + New * Revised
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